Thursday, May 12, 2016

What a surprise!!!

A basic Wednesday in the life of an electrical and electronic engineering student usually starts of with the struggle of waking up at 07:00. At about 07:25 I get up and have breakfast in our dinning hall. After breakfast I take a shower and get dressed, pack my bag and then I'm off to class. By this time it's about 07:58 so it's kind of a rush to get to class because our first class starts at 08:00. My timetable on a Wednesday is not that hectic, we have two classes and we finish our day of with a tutorial period. Each class is about 50 minutes and a tutorial period is about 3 hours but our lecturer usually lets us sign out after 2 hours. At 13:00 we have launch at our residence, on Wednesdays we get chicken schnitzel and chips. Wednesdays is one of my favorite days in the week because of chicken schnitzel.

The thing that made yesterday so special was that when I walked into my room to leave my back there. I saw a box on my bed. At first I thought who came in my room without me being their. I picked the box up and it felt heavy, so I knew there was something in it. I didn't want to open it but because I'm so curious I had to see what was inside. When I opened the box I saw a pair of shoes and a message inside. The message basically said that I am one of the best friends that someone could have, Devan. I couldn't believe it! I thought it was a joke but no it wasn't, oh the joy that I felt. I couldn't stop smiling because I of my overwhelming happiness.

Devan I just want to thank you for this gift. The way you did it and asked my shoe size was so sneaky bra, I had no clue what you were planning. I really needed some new shoes because my old ones had a few large air vents. I'm so grateful for this surprise, they say you meet your life long friends in university and it really feels that way. I have made a lot of good friends in university.

These guys came a long way, we build a lot of good memories together! 

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